- chemo-organotrophic
- хемоорганотрофный
Англо-русский словарь по экологии. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь по экологии. 2011.
chemo-organotrophic — che·mo or·ga·no·tro·phic (ke″mo or″gə no troґfik) heterotrophic; requiring preformed organic compounds as a source of carbon and oxidizing organic compounds as a source of energy; said of bacteria … Medical dictionary
chemo-organotroph — che·mo or·ga·no·troph (ke″mo orґgə no trōf″) a chemo organotrophic organism … Medical dictionary
chemoorganotrophic — chemo·organotrophic … English syllables
Staphylococcus — A group of bacteria that cause a multitude of diseases. Under a microscope, Staphylococcus bacteria are round and bunched together. They can cause illness directly by infection, or indirectly through products they make, such as the toxins… … Medical dictionary
Streptococcus — A group of bacteria, familiarly known as strep, that can (and do) cause a multitude of diseases. The name comes from the Greek strepto meaning twisted + kokkos meaning berry, and that is exactly what Strep look like under the microscope, like a… … Medical dictionary
Actinomyces — A genus of slow growing, nonmotile, nonsporeforming, anaerobic to facultatively anaerobic bacteria (family Actinomycetaceae) containing Gram positive, irregularly staining filaments; diphtheroid cells may be predominant. They exhibit true… … Medical dictionary
Aeromonas — A genus of Gram negative, oxidase positive, aerobic, facultatively anaerobic bacteria (family Vibrionaceae) containing rod shaped to coccoid cells; motile cells ordinarily possess a single, polar flagellum; some species are nonmotile. The … Medical dictionary
Amycolatopsis — A genus of Gram positive, filamentous bacteria, defined as a separate genus in 1986, that tends to break up into square fragments; recovered from soil and vegetable matter; A. is rare human pathogen that has been recovered from various clinical… … Medical dictionary
Arcobacter — A genus of bacteria in the family Campylobacteraceae that are Gram negative, aerotolerant, and able to grow at 15° C. The type strain is A. butzleri. A. butzleri a bacterial species of A. found in poultry and meat; has been associated with… … Medical dictionary
Arthrobacter — A genus of strictly aerobic, Gram positive bacteria (family Corynebacteriaceae) whose cells undergo a change from a coccoid form to a rod shape following transfer to fresh complex growth medium. Although prim … Medical dictionary
Campylobacter — A genus of bacteria containing Gram negative, nonsporeforming, spiral or S curved rods with a single flagellum at one or both ends of the cell; cells may also become spherical under adverse conditions; they are motile with a corkscrewlike motion… … Medical dictionary